Save money on your next ute
If you're looking to buy a new ute, use the Green Vehicle Guide (GVG) to choose one that is right for your needs and your hip pocket.
Our search and compare tool is one of many simple ways the GVG can help you drive cheaper and greener.
The tool provides you with data on emissions, fuel consumption, electric range, cost and noise, which you can easily download and share with others or to refer to later as part of your research.
Follow the below steps for tips on using the tool to buy your next ute:
1. On the Green Vehicle Guide home page, scroll to the 'Search and compare vehicles' section.
Enter the ute you would like to quickly get data about using the dropdown menus.

You can also click the 'Search cars' tool in the 'Tools and calculators' top dropdown menu to search and compare all utes, or utes with certain specifications.

2. Once on the page, you can use the 'Body' dropdown menu to select 'Utility' in the vehicle specifications section to filter to just utes.
You can refine your search with other details if you'd like to compare vehicles. For example, in the screenshot below we've chosen automatic utes.

Your search will show you comprehensive results so you can compare annual fuel costs, tail pipe CO2 emissions and other variants.
If you want to simply search for a couple of vehicles you are deciding between, you can click the 'Compare vehicles' tool in the 'Tools and calculators' dropdown menu.

For example, below we've chosen 3 different 2022 ute makes and models.

The results show how you can clearly save on annual fuel costs and do your bit for the environment by going with a certain make and model.

You can add or change your vehicle search by simply scrolling up from the results panel, specifying the vehicle you'd like to search and updating the results.
Explore our other handy calculators:
- Take a look at our Fuel Cost and CO2 calculator
- Use the home charging calculator to estimate the time and cost of charging at home
- Find out about Fuel lifecycle emissions calculator
Find out more:
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